Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pura Vida Adventures featured in Oct. issue of Airtran's Go Magazine

Airtran contacted Pura Vida Adventures for details on hiking opportunities in Asheville and the surrounding Western North Carolina mountains this past summer. Their October edition of Go Magazine includes quotes from Pura Vida Adventures and detailed descriptions of some of our favorite trails for getting panoramic views and beautiful waterfall hkes in the North Carolina mountains.

Pura Vida Adventures owner stated," we were not only honored to provide detailed information to GO Magazine within there Asheville destinations article , but were happy to see many of the other programs we offer including hiking, mountain biking, and rock climbing as some of the other featured attractions in the area. Pura Vida Adventures believes this only reinforces the idea that we are your destination for small group adventure opportunity in the western North Carolina mountains." Joe says, "Pura Vida Adventures' goal is to create continuity for their clients from day to day or trip to trip. You will see the same guides for your rock climbing trip, hiking trip, and biking trip. You will get a quality experience and get to know your guides as they get to know you."

You can see the whole airtran article at the following link.

A 2 night and 3 day beginner to intermediate backpacking trip is scheduled for April 18th-20th 2011.
Visit our website or contact us for more details.

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