Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Over the Atlas Mountains to race check in at Ouarzazate

Day 2-3 Bus Ride from Marrakesh to Ouarzazate, Race Check in

Day2 found us loading our bike into trucks in the early morning to prepare for the travel to the race start at Ouarzazate. While loading ouyr bikes we saw the exceptional focus on small details which the race management team would show throughout the race. Racemanagement provided cardboard to protect the bikes derailleurs and brakes from damage during the travel. I was very impressed but this small amount of forethought as even in my many years of racing in the US I have never seen this much attention to such small detail.

Another thing that really excited us about this adventure race was the lack of logistical demand placed on the individual racers. Within the entry fee the race staff provide hotels, transportation, and meals. Although we had to travel all the way to Morocco Julia and I both agreed that the logistics for the race up to this point had been easier than some of the races we have done as close as West Virginia.

After loading up our bikes we loaded our remaining gear and got on a bus that would take the racers over the Atlas Mountains to t6he edge of the Sahara at Ouarzazate and the official race starting point.

The bus ride over the Atlas Mountains was premonition of waht we would face during the race 8,000 ft mountains covered in wet snow and mud with steep dirt roads that ascended along the sides of the canyons. After making our way over the mountains the environment changed to flatter desert surrounded with small plateaus. Within this trip to the race start we found out quite a bit about the environments we would travel through over the next 5 days.

The town of Ouarzazate is famous for its film production as major studio lays there and desert scenes for many various Hollywood productions have been filmed in the town. The race team did not disappoint by putting the race start here this town had all the amentities one could wish for when preparing for a race and the hotel we stayed at agin was top notch. After arriving at the hotel and unloading from the buses all teams were accounted for and the initial welcome by race management was made that evening. Sunday would be the day for gear check and provide us with the opportunity to see what Day 1 of the race course would have in store for us.

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